It’s what we all want to hear. It makes us feel good too doesn’t it? Often said following a holiday or when we’ve had a restful time. But how can we make sure people are saying this all year round?
Skin looks healthy when it’s fresh and glowing, when it looks firm and the pigment is evenly distributed, and when it’s luminous and not too red.
Where do you start when there’s a bewildering array of choices?
Book a personal consultation with an experienced skin therapist. This is an opportunity to focus on YOU, review your home care regime, prioritise the results you are after and decide on a gradual or radical process. You can also consider your budget. Some will prefer something costly but quick while others prefer a more reasonable and gradual approach.
Two light-based options are IPL and LED.
You can’t beat IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment for evening out pigmentation often with remarkable and rapid results. After the first session, the skin becomes red and the pigmentation marks (some of which were hidden in the deep layers of the skin) are brought to the surface creating dark brown patches which, turn crusty. These after-effects reduce gradually during the following week and your skin then starts looks fresher, younger and more springy. Sometimes subsequent treatment is needed but after-effects are less noticeable each time. You need to plan ahead. Keep a clear diary and make sure that you have a good concealing make-up. You can pop to the shops or do the school run but want to avoid being scrutinised and certainly don’t go partying.
Dermalux LED Phototherapy involves relaxing whilst your skin is bathed in beneficial light energy which enables the stimulated skin cells to function better and regenerate faster. It can be programmed to help with varying conditions from ageing lines and wrinkles to rosacea and acne.
For more information and to book your consultation visit or call 020 8944 5454 for your free consultation.