We use the Harmony Q-Switched ND:YAG, one of the most advanced lasers on the market, for all Tattoo Removal treatments. The Harmony Laser delivers short, intense bursts of light to the skin which is rapidly absorbed by the tattoo ink. This causes the pigment to break down into smaller particles. The particles are then removed by the body’s natural filtering system. A series of treatments will ensure the tattoo gradually fades and eventually disappears
- Safe and fast
- Black, blue and green inks treated
- No Scarring or surgery
- Minimal downtime
- Approved by Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists
The Laser Facility at Nakedhealth is audited by St George’s Radiological Protection Centre, all treatments are administered at the highest level of professionalism and safety.
Tattoo Removal FAQs
What does the treatment feel like?
The lasers do cause discomfort during treatment, similar to being “snapped” with a rubber band. Most patients equate the pain of tattoo removal with the pain of getting the tattoo. Some areas are more sensitive than others, such as ankles and the shoulder blade. The pain tends to decrease as treatment progresses and the tattoo ink fades. Most patients tolerate the discomfort of treatment very well. Topical anaesthetic and cooling are available to ensure your comfort.
How long does the treatment take?
Typical treatment sessions last between 5 and 40 minutes depending on the size of the tattoo.
Are there any after effects following the treatment?
Redness and swelling may occur, similar to sunburn. This settles within a few days. Some patients may blister, which is quite normal and does not indicate potential scarring. Blistering does not require treatment and will usually clear within days. The treated area should not be exposed to strong sunlight between sessions without the use of sunblock (SPF 30).