Acne Scar Treatments
When severe, acne can often result in scarring and uneven skin tone. There is a raft of acne scar treatments available and it is advised to book a thorough consultation to determine what is most suitable for you.
Dr Schrammek’s Green Peel
Dr Schrammek’s GREEN PEEL is the world’s leading 100% natural alternative to a chemical peel. The range of green peels are medically developed, biologically based peeling treatments that use active plant ingredients, including herbs, vitamins and enzymes to totally regenerate the skin.
Microdermabrasion resurfacing is a technique for removing the topmost layer of the skin leaving it supple and vibrant.
Obagi Medical
Obagi Medical is an American company that is world renowned for delivering clinically proven and pharmaceutical grade treatments and products.
PIXEL™ Laser Skin Resurfacing/Rejuvenation is the latest approach to lift years away from your face and stimulate new collagen to grow.