What is acne?
Acne is a common condition characterised by obstructed sebaceous glands, pimples and sometimes deeper cysts or nodules that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. Acne begins in adolescence and usually affects most teenagers at some time.
However, adults too can suffer from acne. When severe, acne can often result in scarring and uneven skin tone.
There is a raft of treatments available and it is advised to book a thorough consultation to determine what is most suitable for you.
IPL Acne Reduction
Effective and comfortable, Advanced Fluorescent Technology IPL works quickly and thoroughly to kill acne bacteria.
The SkinPenDermapenâ„¢ is a revolutionary micro-needling device which aims to tighten, lift and rejuvenate skin.
Skin Peels
Treatments which encourage skin shedding in order to rejuvenate the surface of your skin.
We use our 15 years of experience to create a bespoke treatment plan for your skin, based on in-clinic analysis.
Dermalux™ LED Phototherapy is a non-invasive hand and facial treatment that uses a narrow band, non-thermal UV light energy to trigger your body’s natural cell processes to accelerate rejuvenation and repair of the skin.